Exclusive Villa


    • Property size 3 Katha.
    • Cottage size 2160 SQFT.
    • Full Furnished interior.
    • Comfortable luxury bed.
    • International standard bathroom.
    • All other 5-star level hotel facilities.
    EXCLUSIVE VILLA in NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh.
  • Outdoor Picture of EXCLUSIVE VILLA in NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh. Full Furnished interior in NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh. 5-star level hotel facilities in NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh.

    Exclusive Villa

    Comfortable luxury bed in NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh.

Premium Villa


    • Property size 3 Katha.
    • Cottage size 2400 SQFT.
    • Full Furnished interior.
    • Comfortable luxury bed.
    • International standard bathroom.
    • All other 5-star level hotel facilities.
    PREMIUM VILLA in NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh.
  • Premium Villa

    Full Furnished interior facilities PREMIUM VILLA of NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh. 5-star level hotel facilities PREMIUM VILLA of NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh.
    Comfortable luxury bed facilities PREMIUM VILLA of NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh. International standard facilities PREMIUM VILLA of NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh. PREMIUM VILLA outdoor in NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh.

Luxury Villa


    • Property size 5 Katha
    • Cottage size 3000 SQFT
    • Full Furnished interior
    • Comfortable luxury bed
    • International standard bathroom
    • Kids play zone
    • All other 5-star level hotel facilities
    LUXURY VILLA in PREMIUM VILLA of NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh.
  • Comfortable luxury bed in PREMIUM VILLA of NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh.
    5-star level hotel facilities in PREMIUM VILLA of NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh. Kids play zone in PREMIUM VILLA of NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh. Full Furnished interior in PREMIUM VILLA of NRB Holiday Resort City the first ever and biggest resort city in Bangladesh.

Honeymoon Villa


    • Property size 5 Katha
    • Cottage size 1800 SQFT
    • Full Furnished interior
    • Comfortable luxury bed
    • International standard bathroom
    • Flower decoration
    • Jacuzzi
    • Personalize swimming pool
    • All other 5-star level hotel facilities
    be a owner of duplex house buy HONEYMOON VILLA in NRB Holiday Resort City.
  • Flower decoration duplex house in NRB Holiday Resort City. Flower decoration duplex house in NRB Holiday Resort City.

    Honeymoon Villa

    Another duplex house of HONEYMOON VILLA in NRB Holiday Resort City. Jacuzzi & Personalize swimming pool facilities in duplex house of HONEYMOON VILLA in NRB Holiday Resort City. be a owner of duplex house buy HONEYMOON VILLA in NRB Holiday Resort City.

Presidential Villa


    • Property size 10 Katha
    • Cottage size 4000 SQFT
    • Full Furnished interior
    • Comfortable luxury bed
    • International standard bathroom
    • Kids play zone
    • Sauna Jacuzzi
    • Personalize swimming pool
    • All other 5-star level hotel facilities
    duplex house of Presidential Villa in NRB Holiday Resort City.
  • Presidential Villa

    Full Furnished interior in duplex house of Presidential Villa in NRB Holiday Resort City.
    Kids play zone facility in duplex house of Presidential Villa in NRB Holiday Resort City. Swimming pool & Jacuzzi facility in duplex house of Presidential Villa in NRB Holiday Resort City. 5-star level hotel facilities in duplex house of Presidential Villa in NRB Holiday Resort City.
    Full Furnished interior in duplex house of Presidential Villa in NRB Holiday Resort City.